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'No studio sale' - on now until further notice at Juicy Beetroot, Tum Tum Lane (off High Street), Fremantle

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Another exhibition

I’m excited to announce that I have another art exhibition – all pastels - up at Juicy Beetroot in Fremantle. This cute little cafe is only open weekday lunchtimes, but I hope some of you can get along to see it. Also, I still have some acrylic paintings up at Two Rubens until further notice. Details are above.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Home sweet home (29)

Having just returned home from a two month visit to the UK, I thought the title of this painting was appropriate! I painted it from a photo I took of an old cottage in Bridgetown very early in the morning. The light at that time of day gave the picture a shadowy, other-worldly feel that complements the subject matter.

A friend who lives in Bridgetown bought this painting as soon as she saw it, along with a few others!